Thursday, August 4, 2011

The list.

My little Lily turned 4 today. She is positive she woke up taller and I assured her that she did. I wish they would stay little forever. I tell my kids to stop growing up all the time. They think that is really funny but I am being totally serious. Even though I outwardly refuse to accept the fact they are growing up, I really know they are. My goal is to instill this list into their very beings without them even knowing it. (insert evil laughter here) Anyway, onto the list!

1. Pray.
2. Be nice to everyone.
3. Be honest.
4. Be humble.
5. Show respect.
6. Listen.
7. Laugh.
8. Be thoughtful.
9. Become.
10. Be on time.
11. Value yourself.
12. Value others.
13. Floss.
14. Read.
13. Lead.
14. Listen to your instincts.
15. Be genuine.
16. Don't give up.
17. You are beautiful.
18. You are smart.
19. You are priceless.
20. I love you more than you will ever know.

OH! and Happy Birthday, Lily!


  1. Bet our girls would love to play together ;) great list!

  2. Love the list! Still working on some of them myself! (#10 in particular! lol)
    And happy birthday to Lily, from us too! =)
