Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A pixie-dust spreader on the Tilt-O-Whirl.

I am intrigued by the carnie life. Or is it carny? Either way, I am seriously curious. I want to know what their lives are like. Do they travel all over the country, all year long? How did they get started in that business? Do they have friends or spouses outside of the carnival realm? Well, that last question I sorta have insight on...

A couple of years ago, Dustin and I watched as Will and Lily rode the motorcycle ride. (I assume these were same exact motorcycles he and I both rode on 25 years ago.) They only made a few revolutions before a little girl on the ride started crying. She cried for awhile before the woman operating the ride stopped it. We searched the crowd of parents who were watching their kids, waiting for her mom or dad to emerge and take her off. Instead, the ride operator yelled to the little girl while motioning to the neighboring ride: "Jennifer you better quit yer cryin' or I'll get yer daddy." The carnie from this neighboring ride chimed in: "Knock it off over there, Jennifer!" That's right. These two carnies were raising their little Jennifer at the fair. As I think about it now, that makes me sad. At the time, however, it was kinda comical. I can't lie.

There are so many reality shows on tv. Why hasn't one been made about the carnival workers? I have learned about gypsy brides, families with 32 kids, and pawn shops more than I ever care to know. A show about carnival workers is where it's at.

And to commemorate this year's fine Elkhart County 4H Fair, I present some pictures for the looking. (Check out my nifty new photography watermark thingy, too! I feel so professional!)

Lily made a beeline to the only girly car available...

Dustin got roped into riding the carousel. This is always entertaining since he doesn't do circles very well.

I really love this one.

Will cruised around in the bumper boats...

...while Lily rode the swings. The swings were a huge hit with our kids this year. And with other kids, as well. Note the random kid behind her.

I got roped into this round of carousel riding. Little did I know that I don't do circles very well either.

These are the motorcycles! Wonder if Jennifer was riding this year?

The fair. What's not to love?


  1. Oooooooo. I get to comment first! I asked Adam some of these very questions year. What really is life like? I remember being in middle school and one of my friends I was with seriously was contemplating coming back at then end of the night and meeting up with a nasty carny. Luckily, her sister and I talked her out of it. Great pics! I need yo schedule you for a shoot as soon as it cools ;)

  2. LOVE this! Love the reading material, love the pics, love the peeps IN the pics! FUN!

